Welcome to Glen Tither Personal Training

This website, and the Virtual Personal Trainer in particular, is very unique. The vast majority of health & fitness websites ask one or two goal related questions, then provide a very basic, generic, workout. My Virtual Personal Trainer offers every individual a very detailed, tailor made workout, devised to work around how much time you have to exercise, what equipment you have available, your exercise likes & dislikes, your short & long term goals and takes into account any injuries you might have.

Simply click the ‘Contact Me’ link and complete the form; ensuring you provide me with an email address. I will then forward you a PAR-Q (physical activity readiness questionnaire). This will provide me with all of the information I need to devise detailed, thorough, tailor made workout(s).

Each workout is supplied with detailed, step-by-step exercise instructions, giving you all the information you’ll need to perform every exercise correctly.

To ensure progression and “overload” – a demand on your body which promotes continuous development and progression in reaching your goal, it is recommended that you change your workouts on a regular basis, at least every 4 – 6 weeks. Therefore, each workout is designed to get the best out of you for a 6 week period. During this 6 weeks you also get email support, should you have any questions about your workouts, or any other health & fitness related topic. Every Virtual Personal Trainer client also receives the following 10 informative articles to help them achieve their goals:

  1. Getting Started
  2. Setting Achievable Goals
  3. Body Composition
  4. Nutrition
  5. Meal Frequency
  6. Hydration
  7. Repetition Maximums
  8. The Importance Of Overload
  9. Core Stability
  10. Stretching

With the Virtual Personal Trainer all being provided via email, this service can be utilised by anyone, worldwide. For example, even though I am U.K. based I currently have Virtual Personal Trainer clients in Italy, Spain, France, New Zealand and Australia.

All this costs just £30! Compare that to personal trainer fees of £25 - £50 per 1 hour session and I’m sure you’ll agree that the Virtual Personal Trainer is excellent value.

During my years as a fitness professional I have worked with, and/or volunteered for, the following companies/organisations/sports clubs:

Warrington Wolves RLFC, St Helens RLFC, Rugby League World magazine, Clock Face Miners ARLFC, Age UK, Parkdale Sidac FC, StagePro/Heartbeat, NHS Halton & St Helens/Health Improvement Team, Ministry of Justice, Helena Partnerships, Saints Community Development Foundation, The Princes Trust, The Youth Service, St Helens College, Pilkington Trust, Glenburn Sports College, Slimmin Wi No Women/Exercise for Older Guys.